Just Say "No" to Dietician Nonsense
Folks, I posted a blog post in September, 2010 describing the American Dietetic Association's ploy to pass a law in all 50 states which mandates that only licensed nutritionists or dieticians (RD's) will be allowed to provide nutritional or dietary advice. Other licensed practitioners such as pharmacists, nurses, naturopaths, and CCN's would be prohibited from discussing nutritional and dietary advice. I know this sounds crazy, but my state legislature passed this law in 2006. Governor Granholm signed the law shortly afterwords.
The good news is that the law has not been enforced yet. Furthermore, the new Governor (Snyder) has decided to review every occupational licensing law in the state.
I just sent a letter opposing this law to the Office of Regulatory Regulation at the State of Michigan. I am encouraging each of my readers to send the Office of Regulatory Regulation (orr@mi.gov)your comments about this asinine law. Please reference Nutrition Licensing Law PA333.
Here is what I sent them:
To: The Office of Regulatory Regulation (orr@mi.gov)
From: David Brownstein, M.D.
Medical Director
Center for Holistic Medicine
5821 W. Bloomfield, MI 48323
Re: Nutrition Licensing Law PA333
October 5, 2011
To Whom It May Concern,
I am the Medical Director for a busy holistic medical practice which consists of three medical doctors and numerous support personnel. Our practice focuses on prevention, wellness and integrative medicine. We have been in practice for nearly 15 years and have been actively counseling our patients about diet since our inception.
My partners and I strongly oppose the nutrition licensing law PA333. Restricting dietary advice to licensed dieticians is a recipe for disaster. Our experience has clearly shown that no single group, including resident dieticians, should be licensed to provide dietary advice.
There are many qualified Nutritionists that are credentialed and certified through other programs. There are many health care practitioners that include nutrition recommendations in their care, such as nurses, pharmacists, naturopaths, etc. This respect for the value of nutrition among multidisciplinary healthcare professionals can only benefit Michigan citizens. I am imploring you to allow patients to have a choice of who they want to receive their dietary advice from.
As previously stated, my partners and I have been providing dietary advice for patients for many years. Over the years we have utilized many different practitioners to aid us, including both RD’s and other Nutritionists. There is absolutely no justification to allow RD’s to be the only licensed practitioners able to provide dietary advice.
The last thing we need in the state of Michigan is more barriers to patients seeking dietary advice. We have enough regulation; we do not need this law.
Thank you for your consideration,
David Brownstein, M.D.
The good news is that the law has not been enforced yet. Furthermore, the new Governor (Snyder) has decided to review every occupational licensing law in the state.
I just sent a letter opposing this law to the Office of Regulatory Regulation at the State of Michigan. I am encouraging each of my readers to send the Office of Regulatory Regulation (orr@mi.gov)your comments about this asinine law. Please reference Nutrition Licensing Law PA333.
Here is what I sent them:
To: The Office of Regulatory Regulation (orr@mi.gov)
From: David Brownstein, M.D.
Medical Director
Center for Holistic Medicine
5821 W. Bloomfield, MI 48323
Re: Nutrition Licensing Law PA333
October 5, 2011
To Whom It May Concern,
I am the Medical Director for a busy holistic medical practice which consists of three medical doctors and numerous support personnel. Our practice focuses on prevention, wellness and integrative medicine. We have been in practice for nearly 15 years and have been actively counseling our patients about diet since our inception.
My partners and I strongly oppose the nutrition licensing law PA333. Restricting dietary advice to licensed dieticians is a recipe for disaster. Our experience has clearly shown that no single group, including resident dieticians, should be licensed to provide dietary advice.
There are many qualified Nutritionists that are credentialed and certified through other programs. There are many health care practitioners that include nutrition recommendations in their care, such as nurses, pharmacists, naturopaths, etc. This respect for the value of nutrition among multidisciplinary healthcare professionals can only benefit Michigan citizens. I am imploring you to allow patients to have a choice of who they want to receive their dietary advice from.
As previously stated, my partners and I have been providing dietary advice for patients for many years. Over the years we have utilized many different practitioners to aid us, including both RD’s and other Nutritionists. There is absolutely no justification to allow RD’s to be the only licensed practitioners able to provide dietary advice.
The last thing we need in the state of Michigan is more barriers to patients seeking dietary advice. We have enough regulation; we do not need this law.
Thank you for your consideration,
David Brownstein, M.D.
At October 7, 2011 at 6:17 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Not all doctors are like you, that believe in prevention. So does that make medical doctors not qualify to treat their patients?It is the same with all registered dietitians. We are not all the same. I recognized that a lot of Registered Dietitians do not believe in supplementation, homeopathy, etc. On the other end there are some of us, including myself that use supplementation, homeopathy, etc. I have attended your seminar, have all your books. I believe that as registered dietitian I can provide my patients with individualized meal plans to help them manage their medical condition along with nutritional supplementation, homeopathy. I have seen a lot of naturopath, homeopath that do not really know anything about nutrition. I believe we live in a free country and it is up to the public to decide what is best for their well being. whether they choose a Registered Dietitian or any other type of alternative doctor.
At October 7, 2011 at 12:36 PM ,
Dr. Brownstein said...
I agree. There are many physicians who are not qualified to discuss diet with their patients. The purpose of the post was not to pick on RD's (well, maybe a little bit- but they brought it on themselves by promoting this asinine law). The purpose was to let the public decide who they want to see for dietary advice. There are qualified RD's, M.D.'s, N.D.'s, D.C.'s, nurses and others out there. We don't need a law limiting the discussion of diet to one group.
At December 27, 2011 at 6:11 AM ,
Anonymous said...
NO SALT??? I began working in the Dietary Service at LLU Hospital at 13 years of age doing special diets. Salt Free, Fat Free etc. So for 60 years, have avoided salt as much as possible. About 3 years ago, I began having Vertigo. Move head=vomit. Was given Antivert, which caused hives and vomiting. Doctor had me doing the head movement, which helped. Would have to get up very slowly to avoid falling. Your article on using Sea Salt, which is the only salt in my house, for Vertigo was interesting. So into a glass of water went some Sea Salt. The next morning, I got right up and didn't realize there was no dizziness upon standing. About an hour later, it dawned on me that I hadn't been dizzy. I have taken the Sea Salt everyday since, for the first time in over 3 years, there is not a hint of dizziness. Your newsletters have given me back my ability to get up, bend over and do everyday activities again. Thank you so much.
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